马铃薯播种机Potato Planter 2CM型马铃薯种植机,采用国外生产马铃薯机械的先进技术,经反复试验,改进而研究成功的一种小型马铃薯种植机,2CM型马铃薯种植机同小型拖拉机配套使用,集开沟、施肥、播种和覆土为一体,可一次完成施肥、播种作业。具有结构紧凑、机动性好、布局合理、工作平稳、适应性强、维修简单等特点,可根据不同地区的农艺种植要求,调整深浅、行距和株距。 The potato planter is designed according to the foreign advanced technology, it matches with four-wheel tractor and combine ditch, manure, sowing, casing soil, complete manure and sowing simultaneously.this machine has the compact structure, better motility, reasonable layout,stable working, well-adapted, simple maintenance and it is easy to be installed. the seeding depth, row spacing could be adjusted to meet different planting request. Advantages: ? 1. It is a mounted potato planter for 20--40hp tractor. ? 2. This potato planter has own fertilizer box to keep fertilizing together with seeding at the same time. ? 3. The workers can seat on the rear seat to check the seeding state/ ? 4. Well-adapted, simple maintenance,stable work, ? 5. Plastic planting cups, in order to protect the seeds. 型号Model 单位Unit 2CM-1 2CM-2 播种行数Planting rows 1 2 行距Row spacing mm 500-800 株距Planting distance mm 250-330 起垄行数 Ridging of rows 1 2 整机重量 Total weight kg 150 230 配套动力 Matched power hp 20-30 30-40 挂接方式 Linkage I类三点悬挂Three-point suspension I type 选装配置 The items selectable 橡胶轮胎或铁质轮rubber tire or iron wheel 联系人: 杨现昌 QQ: 微信: yangxianchang777